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The Shift We Need 

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The Shift We Need Introduction
00:00 / 01:09

The Shift We Need- INTRODUCTION (Transcript)

On Shift's podcasts I will be interviewing people that have inspired me through their sustainable and ethical fashion choices and what they are doing to fight fast fashion. For those who don’t already know me, my name is Eva and I am the creator of Shift. For a little insight of my blog, Shift is dedicated to promoting and encouraging sustainable fashion. For instance, wearing the garment for as long as possible, instead of wearing it once or twice and then throwing it into land fill ; mending and up-styling clothing; supporting sustainable and ethical brands, (do your homework on brands you are currently purchasing from); handing down clothing to friends or donating them to op shops. Finally, my personal favourite, seeking out bargains in op shops, vintage stores and rummaging through second-hand markets. This podcast will be randomly published but I will give notice a few days in advance. I hope that you enjoy!

The Shift We Need Ep 1

with Prue Egan of Jeuje CLothing

The Shift We Need Ep 1 with Prue Egan of
00:00 / 11:52
The Shift We Need Ep 1 with Prue Egan
00:00 / 11:52

Jeuje Website-

Instagram- jeuje_clothing

Facebook- Jeuje Clothing


Disabled Surfers Association of Australia Website- 

Cobie Ann Moore Website- 

The Shift We Need Ep 2 with 

Carlie Wacker

The Shift We Need Ep2 with Carlie Wacker
00:00 / 06:58


Carlie Wacker:

Instagram- worldofwacker

Facebook- World of Wacker


Jacinta Emms Instagram- the.fullfeather

Runway Fashion Australia Instagram- runwayfashionaustralia

Jeuje Clothing Instagram- jeuje_clothing

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